The Brownville Fine Arts Association strives to promote the visual and performing arts and pledges to weave them into Brownville’s historically and culturally rich setting. We also recognize the gratifying beauty in nature and the outdoors. We endeavor to maintain a place for those who wish to develop the creative process, expand aesthetic appreciation, and derive new meaning and understanding from the arts and nature.
Founded in 1972, the Brownville Fine Arts Association is a nonprofit member organization and serves as a vital volunteer resource in southeast Nebraska. The organization offers support of cultural, educational, recreational events and activities in historic Brownville. In these endeavors, it operates, maintains, sponsors and supports:
The Schoolhouse Art Gallery and Nature Center
Gov. Robert W. Furnas House and Museum
Gov. Robert Furnas Arboretum and Whiskey Run Creek Nature Center
Rohman Gardens
Quilting Brownville
The BFAA also hosts annual artist exhibitions and a speaker series, workshops and other events. It serves a vital role in Nebraska - supporting the arts and arts education.